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Meet Rambo

Last night we met Rambo for the first time. He is still not feeling too well, but mom sez he will be feeling better soon.

Rambo (a 6 month old Boxer cross) was hit by a car and was lying in the middle of the road, so mom and dad stopped to move him out of the way. This was when mom saw he was still alive, so she picked the injured doggie up and they rushed him to the nearest doggie hospital. Unfortunately his front leggie was just too damaged and this had to be amputated. These pictures are of us all investigating and meeting Rambo for the first time.

Boogie sez she thinks Rambo is similar to what her dad looked like... Boogie seems to like Rambo.

Sharkie is not too sure where Rambo's other leg is, but Im sure she will figure it out soon.

We promise to look after Rambo as best as we can.

Mom sez we are just looking after Rambo untill he is stronger, and untill we can find him a good home.


On Sunday 15 July we had to rush Rambo back to the vet, because his wound opened up a little, but a lot of yukkie stuff was coming out. He has been there ever since. He is on strong antibiotics and they have put a drain in for better drainage of the dead tissue. He is doing well and the Vet contacts us every day keeping us updated on his progress.

He is a strong boy and we hope to have him out of the doggie hospital soon.


Rambo is still in the hospital and the vet is still not too comfortable releasing him. There is nothing we can do but wait in anticipation. Please pray for Rambo to get better soon.


Rambo is back home

We are looking for a willing owner. Please email me if you live in Cape Town and are willing to take on this very loving animal that so dearly now needs a good home. Thank you.


Juno said…
Hello & nice to meet you, Norman. I found you on DWB and wanted to come here and say HELLO!

I am glad that your mom and dad rescued this poor doggie Rambo. My heart was broken when I saw his photo. i really hope Rambo's speedy recovery!

Momo xoxo
Poor Rambo :-(

I am so glad your mum and dad helped him - I hope that he will feel better soon. What a sad story :-(

Anonymous said…
Poor Rambo - that is just so sad. Well done Mom & dad!!!
Asta said…
Hi Normie
Thank dogness that your Mommi is the one who found sweet little Rambo..wha t a horrific ordeal for a pup to go bweaks my heawt to see the hurt in his eyes..I cwoss my paws for his wecovery, and send you and him and yourMommi many smoochie kisses
Anonymous said…
hi its great too read about you love ernie the patterdadle terrier nottingham UK
Mirkawolf said…
Hi, I fell on this blog totally randomly, seeing Rambo´s pic on Google. I am very sorry for this poor pup, and at the same time happy for your parents, that they saved him. There´s so many people today, that would just walk away carelessly!
I can´t give Rambo a new home, but I do wish that he finds a good one soon. Good luck!
Hello Mirka!
thank you for coming to visit us on my blog. Sadly only the memories of little Rambo now remain, as he passed away a short while ago

you can read more about his life and see pics of his happy days here:

Lots of love

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