Hi everyone, my name is Norman, but my family say Normie. Personally I think I prefer Norman, it sounds better. "Norman , here Norman!" hmm, yes Im not too sure about this Normie business. I was born yesterday. My mom and dad took me out of the tummy of this really big monster bird. I came in a small wooden thing, together with my teddie. They said they just loved the way I smelt. They said I smelt like baby powder. So I said, but I am a baby! Anyway, we got into another big monster thing, and moved really fast past many other montster things for a long time. They don't scare me any more, but they did in the beginning. We stopped somewhere and I did my first poop on a grass patch somewhere in a place called Parow. That was really nice of them, cause I was 'dying to go' if you know what I mean. Soon we were moving fast again, untill we reached what I now know as home. I was exhausted from all the travelling, but they introduced me to my new granny (Boogie a Xsometh...
Never could mommi say just a dog... We know Your sweet norman was soo much more.I'm hoping now that he is the pawfectt angel, he is helping to heal youw heawt.
Mommi and I smile whenevew we see him and get teawy too..we can't fowget
smoochie kisses
ASTA and Mommi
I came across this blog yesterday.
I am also an owner of an almost 3-year-old wire foxterrier named Bziku (in translation: cuckoo, nuts, crazy).
Bziku had a life-saving surgery 2 months ago. A piece of a plastic toy (that he ate...of course), got stuck in his bowels.
When I look at Norman's photos it's as if I saw Bziku.
Reading your posts from april and may 2009 was very diffcult for me, because with every line that I read, the fear that I've been feeling for the last 2 months grew bigger and bigger. I just couldn't stop crying...
I cannot imagine what you felt when you lost your dog, but I do know the fear of losing a beloved dog. Because he is to me like my own child :)
But there's also a bright side of it all. It's great to discover that somewhere out there live people who are as crazy about their dogs as I am.
I hope your heart will stop aching one day.
Wish you all the best.
(Poznan, Poland)
P.S. Sorry for any grammar and writing mistakes :)