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Hiking Doggie

Hello friends,

I was super excited when mom decided to take me on a hike with her today up a place called Lions Head, which is next to Table Mountain.

This is uncle Pete and aunty Dani... they were really nice to me all the way, helping me up and down places that were too hard for me to climb.

It became very hot...

and shady spots came in very handy...

That is a place known as Camps Bay at the bottom!

More shade and a welcome break for us...

This spot is known as Clifton beach... mom sez it get super busy down there on warm days.

The hill behind me is known as Signal Hill. I live on the other side of that ocean that you see in this pic below.

The place behind uncle Peter is known as Sea Point

This was me enjoying the shade of a flowery bush.

there were so many flowers here... way more than in mom's garden. If I could spend more time here, I would love to dig them up a little too and see whats underneath them!

almost at the top... we turned around here, it was just a little too hot for me mom sed.

on our way down...

boy, was I glad to be back in the cool car!

Mom promised to bring me back and take me to the top on a cooler day. I cant wait for that day.


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nn said…
Hi Norman,

you're such a lucky doggie to live near places like this. We don't travel very far as I am still a little puppy, and I can't wait to get out of the car and sniff around, but we will go for longer trips as soon as I am such a nice big and well-bred doggie as you are. Till then we often go to big big parks and take walks on the shore of Lake Balaton -- what a pity doggies aren't allowed in the water! (But those pesky swans and gulls are! Can you imagine?)


Lenny said…
Wow - that is so beautiful! I love hiking.

Your friend, Lenny

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