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Showing posts from April, 2009

RIP Normie Feb 2007 - Apr 2009

To all Normie's friends out there, It was a very difficult and sad decision that I made today. Normie's seizures have progressively worsened over the past few months and his recent episodes just did not want to end. He started seizuring at 17h30 on Tuesday 7 April 2009, and they got longer and every single time. I had him at the vet 3 times and then he stayed overnight again last night, but when he got home today, he was running into walls and looking strangely at his toys. It was obvious that the brain damage started and he continued his fits until I had him back at the doctor at 16h00 today. By recommendation from the doc and my own trauma of seeing all this, we decided it would be better to have him put to sleep. I will miss his love. I will miss his laughter. I will miss his wagging tale. I will miss his devoted love to me... he followed me every step that I made. The loo, the shower, the bath, the kitchen, the bedroom, even when i mowed the lawn... 100% devoted to ...

Hiking Constantia Neck Table Mountain

Hi everyone, This weekend I went hiking up a very steep side of Table Mountain, called Constantia Neck. Holy smokes, it was so high that I was so hot that I even decided to have a little swim on my own in the lake when I got to the top. Mom shared some of her fudge and leftover pizza crusts with me when we stopped for a pic-nic. I know how to drink water from a bottle, so it was easy for mom to give me water when I got thirsty at any time. I met lots of other doggies on the way, but there was no time for me to hang around them for too long, cause I had to keep up with mom. By the time we got back to the car, I had a little blister on my paw, so mom is fixing it now for me, and it should be better soon. All and all, I had the best walk I have ever had in my whole life. Mom took the leash off and I was free to run as much as I wanted to. I was a very good boy and listened to mom all the time. Table Mountain National Park is the only park in the entire South Africa that allows dogs f...