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Showing posts from January, 2009

A video of Norman having a seizure

Hi everyone, herewith a video which I took of Normie whilst he had 2 seizures last Friday. The seizures were less than 10 minutes apart and each seizure lasted about 1 minute. In total he had 8 or 10 seizures that morning. I rushed him to the vet who gave him some valium and Normie fell asleep immediatly thereafter for about 4 hours. After he woke up he was 100% fine again and back to normal. This is what happens when Norman has seizures: Im trying to find a pattern as to why he has seizures. Is it maybe the food Im giving him, as I dont give him anything other than his doggie food and often give him cow hoofs and cow hides to chew. I mentioned to the vet that I was stressed out during the week and asked if that could have had an effect on the doggies? The vet said that dogs can often smell the stress we experience. Normie is back to normal again, but I always have to keep an eye on the little bugger.

Asta's Happiest day of her life

Hey everyone, see what my buddie Asta got as a pressie the other day! She looks like she is having so much fun. I hope to get one just like this one day too. Love Normie xxx

Happy New Year to all my wirey friends

Happy New Year everyone! Cape Town has had some awesome summer evenings lately. We have hardly had any wind this summer, and walks on the beach at sunset have been so much fun! This picture was taken of me 2 days ago. Im lucky to be taken for these long walks, unlike our neighbour who left their sausage doggie alone since 20 December. (No walks, no attention, no love, only food and water from the people next door) I saw their lights on again last night for the first time again. Glad his parents have got back from their holidays. Im also glad my mom will never leave me for so long like that, I know her too well. Mom said she will get granny to come stay by us if she had to go away for so long. I suppose he was better off than being shuvved in a caged kennel for 20 days... ? Hope you get spoilt with lots of time and love from your families this year. Lots of love Normie xxx

Wire Fox Terriers do not have to be stripped

Why do I insist on the following fact: Wire Fox Terriers DO NOT HAVE TO BE STRIPPED. Yes, you can strip them, its a nice feeling for them (sometimes, if the stripper knows what they are doing), but I firmly believe that there is no harm in clipping them. According to my opinion, the outcome of stripping vs clipping is the following: Stripping: The dog is ready for a dogshow. Clipping: The dog is not ready for a dogshow. What do I think of Dogshows? - The owner gets all the credit (Thats MY dog! ...which I PAID A LOT of money for) - A social status symbol. OK appologies, thats the nasty side of me coming out.) - However, being more realistic - If there were no dogshows (with dog breed rules), we would have a mass of nasty and or ugly dogs bred all over the place and no control over our precious varourite breeds. A endless Dog Breed War like in the 18th century. Luckily they dealt with all the fighting, now we just have to try and keep the dogs pure bred. My Conclusion: Dogs should be t...