Hello everyone! Guess where we went today!? You gotta believe it... ... to see the flowers in Langebaan. Jippeee! The west coast of Southern Africa becomes a floral paradise towards the end of our South African winter. Doggies from all over the world come here for endless sniffing and playing. There are so many flowers this time of year, we dont know where to sniff. Boogie and I were not too sure where to start sniffing. There are also lots of mousie holes around here... eh... just a mo, I think I found something here. Lets go to the water Boogie? The Langebaan lagoon is declared a nature sanctury. Mom sez this is where she comes often during the windy summers. I look forward to coming back here then. That seagul swims way faster than we thought :-( "Not to worry, Normie. You will be able to chase many more in time to come, believe me" After a long hard day of sniffing, swimming and playing, we eventually get back into the car and take the hour drive back to Cape Town. So ...